Carbon Court Self-Service
Protection from Abuse


            If you are a victim of domestic violence or abuse, you can get protection from the Court under the PROTECTION FROM ABUSE (PFA) ACT.


            A person commits "abuse" by doing any of the following:

    • Causing or attempting to cause bodily injury or sexual assault, or
    • Placing another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury, or
    • Subjecting another person to false imprisonment, or
    • Engaging in a course of conduct or repeatedly committing acts against another person, including following that person without proper authority, under circumstance which place the person in reasonable fear of bodily injury, or
    •  Physically or sexually abusing minor children


            The law applies to acts between:

    • Family or household members
    • Sexual or intimate partners
    • Persons who share biological parenthood



A. [When the Carbon County Courthouse is open: (8:30-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday excluding holidays), Go to the Prothonotary's Office on the lst Floor of the Carbon County Courthouse, 4 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA. ]
  1. You will be given a petition packet to complete. This packet is also available to you through the Forms Download link here: PFA packet download. If you want to save time, you can print this form out on your printer and fill in the required information at home before you come to the Court House to file your petition. Please do not make any changes to the text of the form.
  2. After you fill in the forms, the Prothonotary's Office staff will take you to see a Judge, if one is immediately available.
  3. The Judge will talk to you; and, if the Judge believes that abuse has occurred, he will grant you a Temporary Protection From Abuse Order and schedule a hearing. This Temporary Order will stay in effect until the Court has the final hearing.
  4. After the Judge signs the Temporary Order, you will return to the Prothonotary's Office where copies will be made.
  5. You must take one copy of the Petition and Order to the Sheriff's Office, who will serve the Defendant. You should keep a copy of the Order with you at all times.
  6. At the final hearing, the Judge will decide if the abuse is proven; and if proven, he will grant a Final Order for a period of up to three years. If the Judge determines that there is no basis for the Protection Order, the Judge will dismiss the case.

B. [When the Carbon County Courthouse is closed: WEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS after 4:30 p.m., before 8:30 a.m.]  

  1. Call your local police department (or State Police, if you have no local police department where you live) and inform them that you want to file a Protection From Abuse petition. The police will help you contact the Magesterial District Judge. 
  2. If the Magisterial District Judge believes that abuse has occurred, he or she will grant you an Emergency Protection From Abuse Order.  
  3. If you want this Order to continue, you must go to the Prothonotary's Office by the end of the next normal business day and complete steps 2 through 7 listed in Section A above.


You can call a private attorney or call the following office to see if you qualify for low cost counsel: North Penn Legal Services, 101 West Broad Street, Hazleton, PA 18201 (610) 377-5400. If you are in need of a safe place, call the Domestic Violence Service Center at 1-800-424-5600. If you do not have a lawyer, you may go directly to the Prothonotary's Office in the Courthouse during normal business hours of 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. During evenings, weekends, and holidays, you can contact your local police department (or the Pennsylvania State Police) to arrange to see a Magesterial District Judge.

Copyright © 2016 Fixty Sixth Judicial District of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Website created and maintained by Carbon County Court Information Technology Dept.