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Certified Court Reporter: Sherri Kleintop, RPR

Certified Court Reporter: Patty Lawless, RPR

Certified Court Reporter: Jolene Remus, RPR


Phone: (570) 325-8556
Fax: (570) 325-4552

Currently, Carbon County employs three Court Reporters, each assigned to a Judge. The Court Reporters are responsible for recording, transcribing and filing the verbatim records of all Court proceedings.

The Court Reporter uses a computerized steno machine to record all Court proceedings verbatim. The information is saved on a hard drive within the machine, as well as SD cards.

When a transcript of a proceeding is requested, the Reporter simply reads the steno notes from the SD card into the computer. The Reporter then edits, proofreads, prints and bills.

The method of computer-aided transcription by Court Reporters has been proven more efficient and cost-effective in a study conducted by the Justice Research Institute, a nonpartisan, nonprofit corporation.